This Bathroom in Chicago Shows the Excellence of Our Hard Surface Restoration Services
July 21, 2024
For weeks, a homeowner in Chicago had toyed with the idea of giving his shower a makeover. As hints of decay became more visible around the shower seams, he knew it was the right time. Constant scrubbing didn't seem to work on the embedded dirt between the tiles, and the homeowner didn't want to try any DIY tricks on the damaged grout.
He found Sir Grout Chicago while searching for hard surface restoration services in Chicago and a look into our picture gallery reminded him that his bathroom floor could also use our crew's expertise. With a clear plan in mind, the homeowner gave us a call to schedule an in-home evaluation, and our agent was ready to walk him through the process.
At his convenience, our specialists went to his house a couple of days later, easy to identify by the logo on their uniform. After the client showed them to the master bathroom, they inspected all the affected parts of the room, starting with the shower. The seams around the tub had obviously seen better days; soap and hard water had seeped behind the tiles until most of the horizontal seams got damaged beyond recognition. Traces of mold were also stuck between the tiles, ultimately ruining the wall's uniform color.

The grout on the bathroom floor also showed signs of discoloration, with thin brown lines that surrounded all the tiles on the surface. The stains were darker and thicker near the walls but the entire floor looked duller than it had only a few weeks prior. When the client asked about it, our techs explained that traditional cleaners can't be trusted with the maintenance of cement-based grout. These products keep the dirt trapped on the floor while repeatedly exposing the surface to harsh chemicals, so they wouldn't bring a lasting solution. Our specialists ended their visit with an offer to restore the bathroom with their professional equipment, and the homeowner accepted right away.
They returned a few days later, right on schedule for the restoration, and they wasted no time after entering the bathroom. After preparing the shower area with masking tape, our experts soaked every surface with a permeating cleaner and started scrubbing after letting the product sit for a few minutes. They also used a 275-degree vapor cleaner to remove all the embedded mold from the shower stall.

Our techs then used the same formula to clean the floors, helping themselves with a high-speed scrubber to work more efficiently around the large surface.
To restore the grout on the bathroom floor and the shower walls, our techs applied acrylic-based ColorSeal, carefully removing the residue as they advanced around the room. Our sealant is the perfect solution to keep the grout spotless through hours of household activities. It repels all sorts of external elements, including grime, mold, mildew, soap, and even UV rays. At the owner's request, our crew used white sealant on the floor and gray sealant on the shower walls to make the grout contrast with the tiles in new, interesting ways.
The seams were the most affected part of the room, so our specialists were extra careful during the repairs. They removed all the loose caulk around the tub and regrouted the joints with a powerful epoxy solution. Resistant to mold and water, our epoxy grout provides maximum durability to preserve a shower's structural stability.
Our crew buffed the floor for the last time and finally called the client back into the room. He was in awe as soon as she saw the floor, and the shower looked even more impressive. The homeowner and his family immediately showed their gratitude, praising our crew's skills and even planning to spread the word about our services.
When the client asked for additional tips to keep mold off the grout, our experts shared some useful cleaning tips. Their first recommendation was to replace bleach and soap-based cleaners with pH-neutral formulas. Products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner enhance the beauty of your surfaces because they remove more dirt without subjecting tile and grout to harsh ingredients. With our cleaner, you can leave all your bathroom surfaces glowing, and the grout stays spotless for longer because its ingredients won't weaken the sealant over time.
To remove the embedded dirt more effectively, our techs also recommended avoiding steel wool and other abrasive tools. A mop or a clean towel is enough to get all the external elements that get stuck between the tiles; just remember to wash your tools before using them again or much of the dirt will be carried over to other parts of your home.
Our final tip was to open the windows and doors every day. Fresh air plays a huge part in keeping a hygienic bathroom, so it's no wonder to see mold spreading in a stuffy room. There's no need to make major changes in your routine as long as you make sure that the air isn't becoming stale as the hours go by.
A soiled shower can give you a lot of grief, but the specialists at Sir Grout Chicago are here to simplify things for you. Our professional hard surface restoration services will fix any type of damage, and we guarantee the most satisfying results. Just call (773) 923-2084 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Recoloring, Sealing, Regrouting, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Showers, Bathrooms